Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Other Person is You

"If you cannot recognize yourself  in the sacrificial dramas of the times, they will recur eternally, and you will eventually have to act out every one of them yourself, both as victim and victimizer" -Barbara Hand Cloud

There is no such thing as heartbreak, only the death of the ego and the emotional fall-out of unmanifest expectation.
Even having an expectation of how it shouldn’t be is an expectation.
Love is an eternal flow that most people misconstrue as flights of fancy brought on by chemicals in the brain. 
Love is far more prevalent and powerful than those flights of fancy and the ego must be removed from the equation completely to truly connect with eternal love.

All of this time there is infatuation with another person but the only person you are ever loving is yourself as it must be recognized that the other person is you. 

The other person that is irritating and selfish is you, angry and childish, you, you, you. 

The other person is forevermore you. 
In all relationships, in every relationship, in every encounter or experience be it bad or good, the other person is you.

 How do you love yourself and treat yourself internally and externally:
 what is your self talk?
do you move from a place of joy, love, and happiness or 
do you attach to fleeting emotions and act out?

If we are to bring Heaven to Earth, you must become a worthy Queen 
and each person must be treated as such for they too are a worthy Queen. 
Each person is an incarnation of God with the very same animation of creation, 
a vibrational being constructed of pure love and consciousness,
the God spark reincarnating over and over again, 
so you may continuously meet the challenge to love yourself yourself yourself.

Love yourself, yourself, yourself. 

Heal yourself  by loving yourself and so the Earth shall heal. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Dispel Darkness

Darkness is being dispelled from your space both individually and on a much larger scale. It may be confusing to experience and observe because it is seen as very violent and hateful, but you should think of a very bright spotlight shining into the darkest places of your psyche and society, dissipating darkness. Think of those who have left their Earthly bodies on a soul level and know that their soul is now free to help our transcendence on a higher and more free vibratory level. Those who have left their Earthly bodies are still with you, only now they dwell in the higher vibratory level of pure divine love. You can choose to join them in this space of divine love as it is the only space that will truly create change in your Earthly reality. 

The most challenging thing you will ever do is love those who have injured the ones you love -- your "enemy", the very people who have taken the lives of the innocent. You think this is impossible and it reeks of injustice but love is the only justice. Love is the binding force that brings us together to change the world we are experiencing. Every single person has a very specific role in this world, in this unfolding and revealing of the light, dispelling of the darkness; and if you perpetuate the duality of right and wrong, fear and hatred, you play into the hands of darkness. 

This time, more than ever, is a time to forgive and love. Forgive and love your "enemies", forgive and love those who you believe are at fault for the crime and hatred, forgive those who act and react to fear in their heart. Surprise yourself by moving into your heart space so completely that you no longer view the world by the limits of duality but instead, encompass all through a lens of love and acceptance. This will be the most challenging thing you have ever attempted as it will upset everything that you have believed to be true but that is the path. The path to liberation from pain and suffering is to leave behind everything you know and believe and move through absolute acceptance and love. It is the only way. 

You will never know or understand the scope of beauty and connection that awaits you if you do not release the duality that distracts you from Truth. Now is the time for oneness and connection. When an affront is caused to mankind it affects everyone including the person responsible for the affront. It touches all and it is not limited to those with specific physical qualities or considerations. Your obsession with characterization, quantifying and qualifying by way of the physical is a sickness of the human mind and now is the time to transcend the human mind and awaken to the power of the heart. 

If you cannot love everyone as your brother including those who have done harm than you are bound by the sickness of duality and you are part of what must be shifted. The path is inward. Create peace in your mind and heart, create the feeling of peace in your body and you will automatically create peace around you - it will radiate from you and you will have helped create a more peaceful world in which to dwell. It is that simple. 

Can you face the darkness that is being displaced and meet it with acceptance and love? What darkness must you alleviate from your own inner being? What reaction comes up from the chaos of the world within you that must be confronted with love? Where does fear dwell in your heart? Are you strong enough to face your fears and judgments and stand in acceptance and choose to move forward in love? 

How do you meet this darkness and how shall you move through it? Dear one, choose love and peace. 

And so it shall be.