"Being impeccable with your word is the correct use of your energy; it means to use your energy in the direction of truth and love for yourself. If you make an agreement with yourself to be impeccable with your word, just with that intention, the truth will manifest through you and clean all the emotional poison that exists within you." -Don Miguel Ruiz
In terms of being impeccable with your word and casting spells of black and white magic upon yourself and others, I've begun thinking about our everyday statements: things we say and share with others without thinking, trance-like and habitual.
At times, especially when I have been writing or turning over a subject matter in my head, I can appear removed because of my introverted disposition that some people may not be used to seeing. At times such as these, I frequently receive the question, "what's wrong?". I believe this can be a type of black magic that plants the negative seed of things being less than good. I have been guilty of asking this question when I judge someone to be upset or stewing with emotional poison. The best question that one can ask in a situation as to not cast any magic be it good or bad, but to stay completely neutral is the question "what is?".
That sounds so funny and surely we are starting a new dialect of mindful wording, but isn't that the change we need to see in the world? And what a freeing and truly open-ended question to ask someone, giving them the power to create exactly what is in their reality by the magic of their own word.
This inevitably brings me to the "I am" statements that we utter on a daily basis. I am statements are powerful as they directly reflect your inner world. Misused often, they can be a vital step in reclaiming the impeccability of our word.
An I am statement is powerful and it speaks of your inner God each time you use it: it is your statement of existence in this incarnation. To answer a question such as "how are you?" with "I am tired", "I am sad" is to say that who you truly are (the inner you that is light, love, God, your Higher Self, your Authentic Self) is tired and sad, and this is simply not true.
Wayne Dyer: "I am the reflection of my Source, which is magnificent in all ways.". Who you truly are is love, light, endless and infinite, God and Goddess. These feelings of tired or sad come and go, they are waves of bodily feeling that do not encompass your true Self. Do your best not to cast these limiting spells upon yourself, thus keeping your true Self restrained.
The Spanish language navigates this word trap by saying "yo tengo hambre" or I have hunger. To say that this feeling of hunger is something that is had is more representative of the transient nature of bodily feelings and that this feeling shall pass. A simple solution to winning back your I am statements is to reply to such questions with "I feel.... hungry/sad/frustration", thus creating space between who you are (I am) and the current (passing) feeling.
A few other noteworthy responses to "how are you?" is Linda's reply: "all is well" despite what emotions might be rocking within you. And another response comes without fail from Natalie, "I am", the truest response of existence in Source.
If you'd like to hear some truly brilliant discourse on the power of I am, I encourage you to research Wayne Dyer and hear his incredible testimony.
Today, in keeping an impeccable word, I invite you to bring awareness to your "I am" statements and all of the other words uttered in mindless chatter. Do your best to release your Higher Self from the restraints of your own black magic and that of others. Be who you are with all that you have; set yourself free.
Much Love & Peace.