Sunday, June 26, 2016

Death of the Ego Self

Everything acts as liquid and is vibrated into density or being as your senses collect it and your brain discerns if from Source Field. With practice, "laws" of natural order will cease to be valid and the processes from deep imagination can meet you in "reality" and so much more. In order to move into this creating space, you must give up everything you know to be true about life as you know it now. Your life must have a new set of rules (or lack thereof) and everything you have been taught as important or relevant must be released.

This releasing of what you know to be true can be very closely linked to your ego. Your character and who you have defined yourself to be will be dissipated into the actuality of who you really are -- light and Source energy. The world that you desire to create will more easily be had by connecting and reconnecting and continually connecting in every single moment to your Higher Self. In this connection, your ego and who you now believe yourself to be will be irrelevant, the things (illusions) you have believed to be true will  be irrelevant and you shall experience peace and expansion and find your greatest power as your destiny as a light being.

This will be a challenging time for those who are far removed from their Higher Self, they will be plagued with lower vibrational emotions of fear, angst, anxiety and depression. Everyone is experiencing exactly what they need to experience to learn the lessons they must learn and you can help by changing the field in which they are experiencing it through meditation. Join with others of like mind and practice and create a peaceful matrix for them to work through the falling away of the ego self as the veils lift and the grand illusion of life is revealed.

The ego death can be extremely difficult and each one of us will experience ego death as the illusions are revealed. Some may cling so helplessly to their illusions and ego world because of their inability of faith and belief in our Sole Creator, that they will not be able to shift toward their Higher Being and "new created reality" and will chose to remain locked in illusion. This will be very painful and it will quickly become a game of survival and destruction.  Do not dwell in fear, do not dwell in fear of the people destructing in illusion or in a society destructing in illusion: all of us are being led back to oneness, it is a choice how you get there. Will you begin to acknowledge your Higher Being in this waking incarnation in this physical body or must your journey back to light begin to excel only at the transition from life to death?

At all stages of life incarnate, we are working toward our Higher Self whether you acknowledge it or not: every choice is a choice to step closer to light or to step away from light. Now, these times of transition are upon us and there is a path to be paved to the Golden Age. Coming in to the understanding of being your Higher Self right now and in every waking moment, you can experience great shifts in your consciousness. What decision will you make? Will you chose to awaken and pave the way or do you choose to remain blinded in illusion/distraction?

At each step in your awakening, go inward.
Bring your Higher Self into this world and this reality: embody the God that you are right now.
Stay in light and transform the vibration of the Source Field  to elevate all who encounter it, which is everyone.

All is one, we are we.

And so it shall be.

If this resonates with you, please share it with others. Spread the love.

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