Monday, August 8, 2016

Be Who You Are

Being who you are is your unique super power to give to the world as your act of selfless love to others. You must stand firmly in your truth and those who do not resonate with your truth are not your people and they will drift toward what feels good to them. Do not be dismayed by their non-resonance as you are constantly planting seeds of your truth that take time, experience, and willingness to understand, germinate and grow. Follow what makes you feel good, turn off your head and move into your heart where you may love everyone you encounter as an extension of yourself. 

Know that what you can create is unlimited and when you are actively creating, what you attract and what you receive is not taking away from anyone else as you live in an abundant and limitless universe where everyone can have everything they desire and need: our lack comes from our personal belief systems which creates experiences of hardships and you may change your experience by changing your thoughts when you desire to experience another reality: it is up to you. 

Dare to dream big, far bigger than your current means, far bigger than your belief systems rooted in lack and behold the truth: that you are God, you are a creator and you are worthy of any and every extraordinary experience or luxury that is on this beautiful Earth to behold. 

As you embrace your Higher Self and draw your light into this experience on Gaia, she will unfold to each of your truest desires. Detach from all that you have believed to be true about yourself, good and bad, limiting and unlimiting and experience yourself as you truly are. 

Who and what people believe you to be are only skewed reflections of themselves steeped in duality of good and bad, angel and devil. These perceptions are not yours to move through: stay connected and responsible for your vibration, plant the seed of your truth and those seeds may germinate in accordance with others' higher self. Your task is to change your world and your reality into a higher vibratory state, the highest you can achieve. The people and experiences will follow suit. 

Awake. Arise. Elevate.