Monday, May 30, 2016

Awake Arise Elevate

Write, keep writing even when there is nothing to express, keep the pen moving on the paper continuously strengthening the connection with your ego self aside: without the voice of judgement  that relays false messages of worthiness, talent and skill. Stay out of your own way by allowing your thoughts to constantly flow and don't grasp onto any one thought and allow that thought to move into a storyline. Acknowledge and move on, acknowledge and move on. Knowing that you assign relevance to any given thought or idea so if a specific thought doesn't feel good, do not assign it relevance and let it go -- there are many more joyful thoughts that can take its place.

How would you like your life to be? How would you like to feel in your life? Do you believe you can create the feeling that you desire in your life when the events in your life are less than good? Do you believe you can create the feeling of joy when the circumstances in your life are less than joyful? Because the moment you begin to create the feeling in your body, the closer you are to achieving that level of being and the sooner the circumstances of your life heighten to match the feeling you have created. 

Do not rest in your contentment. Attempt something that your ego self thinks is too hard and that your ego self says you are not ready for. Listen to the passionate stirrings in your heart and try something that pushes the limits of your comfort level and capability. Remind yourself of your extraordinary human abilities that have stayed dormant in your comfortable existence and daily routine. Turn off the distractions that seep your invaluable energies and awaken to the reality that now is the time to be the person you always desired to be. Awaken to the reality that you are only held back by your false ego beliefs and step out of the shadow of ego and into the expanse of your own light. Awaken to the reality that there is no one in the universe just like you, there is no one else with your unique set of experiences and talents, and you have something amazing to share with others -- a voice and a perspective that can uplift and change the way others interact with the world. 

Arise to the challenge of moving outside of your comfort zone and cultivating the gifts you have to offer and watch your reality change dramatically. Do not ask opinions or seek to measure your worth by how it is received but know that by engaging in uniquely who you are, you are engaging in your life's work, you are creating your biggest gift to the world and rest in peace that you have answered your calling, fulfilled your life's duties. 

Elevate your view and elevate the world. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Inner Voice and Meditation

Open your heart and receive messages as feelings and attempt to recognize your inner voice from the chatter of your internal dialogue and listen to the suggestions of your inner voice. Those heart whispers can be small suggestions like a person to call or connect with, an urge to go somewhere or take part in something -- answer the urge, answer the call because on the other side of that suggestion  is a synchronistic opportunity that will move you along your path. Perhaps it is the person you must meet or the experience you must have to inspire your next work.

Your inner voice is always here, lovingly guiding you at every moment to go and do what is in your highest interest and it is necessary to quiet the chatter that obstructs your inner voice from being heard and acknowledged. Like all things of God and Divinity, your inner voice is a gentle whisper like the wind under the wings of a butterfly and to hear this inner whisper, the storms of thought must be calm for a butterfly cannot flourish on the turbulent winds of storm. 

Meditation is as simple as you decide it to be. Like most things that are meant to bring joy and vitality, there is not much effort to be applied and where stress and effort are applied, the graceful flow is obstructed. Do not fight the river of thought, flow with it and as the river widens around the bends of your mind soon enough you shall arrive at the expanse of inner consciousness and then you may hear: listen and be enchanted by your inner voice. 

If you are not meditating, you shall not understand the profound times. Daily meditation is exactly what you believe it to be and the ease of meditation is just a few thoughts away from changing the belief you hold about meditation. In other words, if you hold the belief "meditation is hard and I am not good at it", you can create a new belief by engaging with the thought "meditation is simple and I happily meditate everyday". How much easier would it be to engage in a meditation practice if it were met with joy and ease instead of all the lower emotions that are assigned to it?  Are you not the master of your life that gets to dictate the ease in which your life is run? Are you not the ultimate decision-maker on what is valuable and necessary in your belief structure?

Meditation is a point of focus and that point of focus can be applied to any number of places: internally to the point of zero, absolute stillness or perhaps pointed outside of yourself engaged in creative activity. Creative activity is always working with the Divine. As God is the ultimate Creator so too does God channel through you as you engage in the activities of creation, whatever that medium is for you. Meditation is not limited to a seated position with eyes closed, but again can be whatever point of focus you decide it to be. When you so intently focus on a project, artistic endevour or activity of the body, does all thought energy not cease as your internal energies are funneled into the task at hand? Do that everyday. Still the turbulence of thought and welcome the guidance of your Higher Self and choose to be guided in every moment of every day and stand in awe as your dreams begin to unfold before you. 

And so it shall be. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

When It Falls Apart

Nothing has transpired that you did not know was coming. Be in peace as all of these things are in Divine order and moving according to plan. (These heavy thoughts) serve as a distraction and we urge you not to be distracted because your connection to your Higher Self will be the sweetest and most rewarding connection you will ever cultivate and keep. Your connection to your Higher Self and your Higher Truth is the only place you can safely dwell and stay out of confusion and disappointment and all of the other lower emotional vibrations that come along with placing expectations outside of yourself and on outside relationships.

Your heart is safe in your keeping. your journey is visualized by your inner sight and your intuition. Asking someone to co-create makes this journey less of yours. Yes, there are wonderful things to be said and felt about sharing your journey with another and you will share this journey with another, you will share this journey with many others. Now, rejoice that you are the single creator that is being guided by your Truth and this shall be the path of highest accomplishment.

We see how bothered you are by some of the thing that have transpired and we see that you are continually allowing yourself to be hurt by aspects of relationship dynamics and we say this to you: you are on a different path than the one that is giving you difficulty and your core truths are different. The longer you allow yourself to be hurt by the same things in different forms, the longer you identify with your ego self and the less time you spend in Divine Love where there is no pain, there is no suffering or miscommunication or confusion. In Divine Love there is only perfection and truth and knowledge, all for your pleasure and expansion and entertainment.

Your time and space is so limited to being experienced by your limited human form and all you must do to surpass your limitations is transcend your human experience which can be as simple as closing your eyes. To move through the unpleasant experiences is the same as moving through the pleasant; be grateful for what arises and admire the sharp contrasts that more clearly point you in the direction of your heart's desires. Appreciate the misemotions as candles lighting your way on a seemingly dark path and don't stop to warm your hands by that candle but continue forward with the anticipation of the raging fire that will warm your entire being.

Dear one, you cannot know what beauty and delight will come of your experience from here but we urge you with love and with a more expansive view to continue your journey inward. All of the pieces are falling into place just as they should, give up the outcome, give up the understanding, give up the effort and know from that still, silent space inside of you that all is well.

And so it shall be.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Distraction and Anger

Write everyday, everyday as if your life depends on writing the word. Do not get distracted by your sensual wiles and monitor your thoughts constantly. While it may seem harmless to entertain storylines in your imagination, when you play into those storylines, you give them energy and creation and it is your writing and your purpose that needs the majority of your energy and creation because it is through your purpose that all is coming -- all you desire, the manifestation of your biggest dreams. The more you allow yourself to be distracted by your body and your urges, the more you take yourself away from manifesting your desires and the further away the realizations of your manifestations.

Focused energy into your purpose, that is the name of the season. You have taken many downloads and have done good work in your dream state and integration. Now it is time to move energy and awaken dormant forces within you to be a creator of vibration through the written word.

We appreciate your most recent experiences because you have stepped into the knowing of supported, excited, fulfilling, energized life outside of the confines of the relationship that you have bound yourself to. As you know, you must be able to focus outside of that realm and that is your challenge this season: to let the unnecessary fall away and be in love with your purpose and your truth, be the connection of your inner voice and bridge the gap  between who you are and who you present to the world. Engaging in your sensual world at this point will draw experiences to you that are a vibrational fit for you here and now and will keep you locked in this vibrational frequency.

Dear one, your expansion has just begun and you must press on by leaning into who you really are. You must continue to ascend up the ladder of the spine and as you continue upward in vibrational frequency, you will begin to attract those at a higher frequency and you will begin to manifest relationships and experiences that will bring incredible people and pleasure into your life that from here, cannot be imagined, entertained or understood. Continue inward and thus upward, do not be distracted by small pleasures or those distractions will only serve to prolong the arrival of your truest pleasure.

Sat Nam, truth is my identity and whatever satisfies the soul is truth. What is anger? 

Anger is a secondary emotion that is created when the primary emotions go overlooked or unexpressed. Emotion is energy in motion and anger is created when a primary emotion is restricted in it's motion, perhaps it is held in the stomach or the throat and it spins and spins until the emotion has created so much potential energy and momentum that it is accelerated out through a burst of passionate "anger". This is not always a socially acceptable experience and so anger may be held in the system much longer and when this happens, it reeks havoc on the body, turning against the body by creating dis-ease in the organs and overall function of the internal physical form. 

Go in peace.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Be Love

Allow yourself to be in love everyday.
Wild, harmonious, undeniable love with everyone you meet and encounter, beginning and ending with yourself: silently and within stillness, emanating divine love from your heart center, take a moment to be love. And as you spend this silent, still moment embodying love, set your intention to be consciously aware of your beingness of love at every moment throughout the day. 

Fall in love with this new day and bring to it a new set of circumstances that has never existed for you, bring to it a new boundlessness that has never existed for you. Become aware of the limitless potential that exists for you as you emanate pure divine love and only amazing and synchronistic events will occur for you today. 

See in yourself all the beauty that exists  in each expression of life, breath, and divine love and be a mirror of that beauty to everyone you encounter today. Be the person whose presence lifts the vibration of all you meet.  Be the sweet breeze that accompanies the purifying light of the sun and lifts the spirits of everyone it touches. Be the scent that stirs the senses and puts a pleasant smile on the face of everyone it graces. Speak the words that unlock the melodies of divine hymns and allow all who hear it to resonate in divine love, the absolute highest of vibration. 

Take the time to center yourself in this space and then move forward as the most gentle of God's warriors and radiate your gifts outward from heart center and create a graceful infantry of lovers. A revolution of people reaching out to one another, of seeing one another and speaking kindly of one another and helping one another. An infantry of people concerned and loving themselves and their brothers and sister who are merely a reflection of their own inner being. This all begins with you, gentle warrior, tuning in to your limitless divine love and loving yourself to such an extent that all you can but help to give and be is pure joyous love. 

And so it shall be.