Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Distraction and Anger

Write everyday, everyday as if your life depends on writing the word. Do not get distracted by your sensual wiles and monitor your thoughts constantly. While it may seem harmless to entertain storylines in your imagination, when you play into those storylines, you give them energy and creation and it is your writing and your purpose that needs the majority of your energy and creation because it is through your purpose that all is coming -- all you desire, the manifestation of your biggest dreams. The more you allow yourself to be distracted by your body and your urges, the more you take yourself away from manifesting your desires and the further away the realizations of your manifestations.

Focused energy into your purpose, that is the name of the season. You have taken many downloads and have done good work in your dream state and integration. Now it is time to move energy and awaken dormant forces within you to be a creator of vibration through the written word.

We appreciate your most recent experiences because you have stepped into the knowing of supported, excited, fulfilling, energized life outside of the confines of the relationship that you have bound yourself to. As you know, you must be able to focus outside of that realm and that is your challenge this season: to let the unnecessary fall away and be in love with your purpose and your truth, be the connection of your inner voice and bridge the gap  between who you are and who you present to the world. Engaging in your sensual world at this point will draw experiences to you that are a vibrational fit for you here and now and will keep you locked in this vibrational frequency.

Dear one, your expansion has just begun and you must press on by leaning into who you really are. You must continue to ascend up the ladder of the spine and as you continue upward in vibrational frequency, you will begin to attract those at a higher frequency and you will begin to manifest relationships and experiences that will bring incredible people and pleasure into your life that from here, cannot be imagined, entertained or understood. Continue inward and thus upward, do not be distracted by small pleasures or those distractions will only serve to prolong the arrival of your truest pleasure.

Sat Nam, truth is my identity and whatever satisfies the soul is truth. What is anger? 

Anger is a secondary emotion that is created when the primary emotions go overlooked or unexpressed. Emotion is energy in motion and anger is created when a primary emotion is restricted in it's motion, perhaps it is held in the stomach or the throat and it spins and spins until the emotion has created so much potential energy and momentum that it is accelerated out through a burst of passionate "anger". This is not always a socially acceptable experience and so anger may be held in the system much longer and when this happens, it reeks havoc on the body, turning against the body by creating dis-ease in the organs and overall function of the internal physical form. 

Go in peace.

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