Thursday, May 26, 2016

When It Falls Apart

Nothing has transpired that you did not know was coming. Be in peace as all of these things are in Divine order and moving according to plan. (These heavy thoughts) serve as a distraction and we urge you not to be distracted because your connection to your Higher Self will be the sweetest and most rewarding connection you will ever cultivate and keep. Your connection to your Higher Self and your Higher Truth is the only place you can safely dwell and stay out of confusion and disappointment and all of the other lower emotional vibrations that come along with placing expectations outside of yourself and on outside relationships.

Your heart is safe in your keeping. your journey is visualized by your inner sight and your intuition. Asking someone to co-create makes this journey less of yours. Yes, there are wonderful things to be said and felt about sharing your journey with another and you will share this journey with another, you will share this journey with many others. Now, rejoice that you are the single creator that is being guided by your Truth and this shall be the path of highest accomplishment.

We see how bothered you are by some of the thing that have transpired and we see that you are continually allowing yourself to be hurt by aspects of relationship dynamics and we say this to you: you are on a different path than the one that is giving you difficulty and your core truths are different. The longer you allow yourself to be hurt by the same things in different forms, the longer you identify with your ego self and the less time you spend in Divine Love where there is no pain, there is no suffering or miscommunication or confusion. In Divine Love there is only perfection and truth and knowledge, all for your pleasure and expansion and entertainment.

Your time and space is so limited to being experienced by your limited human form and all you must do to surpass your limitations is transcend your human experience which can be as simple as closing your eyes. To move through the unpleasant experiences is the same as moving through the pleasant; be grateful for what arises and admire the sharp contrasts that more clearly point you in the direction of your heart's desires. Appreciate the misemotions as candles lighting your way on a seemingly dark path and don't stop to warm your hands by that candle but continue forward with the anticipation of the raging fire that will warm your entire being.

Dear one, you cannot know what beauty and delight will come of your experience from here but we urge you with love and with a more expansive view to continue your journey inward. All of the pieces are falling into place just as they should, give up the outcome, give up the understanding, give up the effort and know from that still, silent space inside of you that all is well.

And so it shall be.

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