Monday, May 30, 2016

Awake Arise Elevate

Write, keep writing even when there is nothing to express, keep the pen moving on the paper continuously strengthening the connection with your ego self aside: without the voice of judgement  that relays false messages of worthiness, talent and skill. Stay out of your own way by allowing your thoughts to constantly flow and don't grasp onto any one thought and allow that thought to move into a storyline. Acknowledge and move on, acknowledge and move on. Knowing that you assign relevance to any given thought or idea so if a specific thought doesn't feel good, do not assign it relevance and let it go -- there are many more joyful thoughts that can take its place.

How would you like your life to be? How would you like to feel in your life? Do you believe you can create the feeling that you desire in your life when the events in your life are less than good? Do you believe you can create the feeling of joy when the circumstances in your life are less than joyful? Because the moment you begin to create the feeling in your body, the closer you are to achieving that level of being and the sooner the circumstances of your life heighten to match the feeling you have created. 

Do not rest in your contentment. Attempt something that your ego self thinks is too hard and that your ego self says you are not ready for. Listen to the passionate stirrings in your heart and try something that pushes the limits of your comfort level and capability. Remind yourself of your extraordinary human abilities that have stayed dormant in your comfortable existence and daily routine. Turn off the distractions that seep your invaluable energies and awaken to the reality that now is the time to be the person you always desired to be. Awaken to the reality that you are only held back by your false ego beliefs and step out of the shadow of ego and into the expanse of your own light. Awaken to the reality that there is no one in the universe just like you, there is no one else with your unique set of experiences and talents, and you have something amazing to share with others -- a voice and a perspective that can uplift and change the way others interact with the world. 

Arise to the challenge of moving outside of your comfort zone and cultivating the gifts you have to offer and watch your reality change dramatically. Do not ask opinions or seek to measure your worth by how it is received but know that by engaging in uniquely who you are, you are engaging in your life's work, you are creating your biggest gift to the world and rest in peace that you have answered your calling, fulfilled your life's duties. 

Elevate your view and elevate the world. 

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