Friday, June 3, 2016

The Choice in Every Waking Moment

When you are not connected to your Higher Self, you undergo and experience much turmoil. Your inner self desires expression as energy moving and manifesting into your time/space reality. When you do not allow that energy to flow, it stirs in the body as a pacing tiger and misemotions occur like anxiety and angst. Your mind also spins in this energy as you seek to find an external source and explanation when truly it is your Highest Source requesting expression.

You have created much hardship in your life and where your life meets with other's lives because of your disconnection with your inner self. Do not feel shame or sadness because of these hardships because your life has been set up to teach you these lessons just as those hardships were written into other's experiences as tools of growth and learning. All is unfolding as it should in perfect timing. 

Know that every waking moment is a choice. Every waking moment you can decide to vibrate at the higher frequency of love within intuition or you can decide to commit to the limited experience of your bodily indulgences and desires. Know that you can choose what your eyes gaze upon and where you feed your appetite and at what stage of purity you indulge. Do you feed your Higher Self or do you feed yourself with explicit language, violence and preservatives? 

You are the grand creator of your life above all else. If something is not the way you desire it, change your reality. You can change your reality by changing your thoughts, it is that simple. You allow yourself as much power as you allow yourself. You allow yourself as much worth as you allow yourself. If people outside of yourself are assigning your power and worth, it is because you are allowing it. What would you have to believe to be powerful in your life? What are the details of the story in which you are joyful and worthy of your own love? Imagine that story, imagine the feelings involved, imagine what would have to be true then close your eyes and hold those feelings and those truths into a grand imaginative fairy tale, so to speak. Create a door just outside that fairy tale and as every details finds its place, open that door and walk into a new reality. It can be that easy. Constantly create the feelings you desire to feel and the experiences you want to experience. 

You are as divine as you decide yourself to be. Set flowers at your bed side because here sleeps an incarnation of God, in all her grace and majesty. Sit in stillness and silence in reverence of your shining love. 

And so it shall be. 

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