Monday, March 14, 2016

The Evolution of the Energetic Human: The High Heart Chakra

The chakras (literally 'wheels' in Sanskrit) are spinning vortices of energy in the body beginning at the root (and home of kundalini energy) to the auric field surrounding the body. These energetic centers are connected through channels or nadhis that serve to circulate subtle energy through the entire human system. In the kundalini lineage, there are 8 main chakras and each energy center within the physical body coincides with a specific endocrine gland which serves to secrete hormones into the circulatory system. Each chakra has an associated color, mantra (sound), symbol, element, body part, and basic function. For more information on these chakras, check out 3HO's website here.

This is a very broad and basic explanation of the chakra system and through extended study, each illness and physical manifestation can be traced back to the chakra system, a powerful tool indeed.

This basic explanation will have to do as the point of this blog is to introduce a lesser-known chakra called the "high heart" or "unified heart" chakra.

The high heart chakra center is located halfway between the heart and the throat charkas. If you picture a deep green color spinning around it's center at the heart and blue spinning out of the throat chakra, the high heart would meet right where the 2 spinning colors collide, creating a turquoise color at the sternum.  The powerful energy of unconditional  love (heart chakra) is given expression (throat chakra) at the high heart and this is our intimate connection to all of the aspects and elements of the natural world including our fellow humans. 

The high heart is associated with Thymus gland, located in the upper anterior part of your chest, directly behind your sternum and nestled between your lungs. It serves a double function as part of the endocrine system and lymphatic system where white blood cells (lymphocytes) pass through the Thymus gland and are transformed into T cells. T cells, once matured, migrate to the lymph nodes and are distributed through the body to help fight disease. (All Thymus information from EndocrineWeb).

What is unique about the Thymus gland is it is largest in children (much like the human fascination with the natural world) and as puberty unfolds, the Thymus gland begins to slowly shrink and it is ultimately replaced with fat. This process is very similar to any organ or muscle group that goes underutilized or is no longer energetically supported, it atrophies and slowly dies.

Our Call Back to Nature

This chakra is an ancient energy center and once served mankind when we were living close to nature and instinctively understood natural laws as a mechanism of survival. The closing down of this center is one of the challenges taken on when humans began exploring dense physical reality and separation from Source. As we experience the energetic shifts of the Aquarian Age and are moving back toward our light body, this is the first of the ancient chakras to be reawakened and assist in the ascension up the spine.

It's become very difficult to ignore our need to return to nature as media inundates us with reports of global warming, animal extinction, overwhelming trash (and radiation) strewn through our oceans, and much more. Mankind's misuse of natural resources and obsession with disposable goods has created a catastrophic situation on the only planet in our solar system fit for human life and many animals have long ago fell prey to our greed and carelessness. The outer collective world is mirroring the inner collective world as violence, greed, and restlessness have become the norm. It's important to stay out of fear and stay connected to higher energy centers, reawakening our connection to the natural world beginning with (and not limited to) the high heart.

There is inspiring evidence of this awakening through innovative young people like Boyan Slat, founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup ( where they are initiating the biggest ocean clean up in history. Adidas is answering the call with a prototype shoe designed out of ocean trash (read CNET's article here). There are amazing movements taking form through Bill Mollison's 1970's creation of Permaculture coupled with Earthship Biotecture ( to change the way we live to a more sustainable standard. Sustainability aside, breakthroughs have been made with the likes of Blackfish and change is on the horizon with legislation being passed in California to halt the breeding of captive orcas. The truths surrounding United States animal farming practices are continuously being called to light and people are waking up to the reality of cruelty and demanding change.

Most importantly, this chakra serves to connect us to our fellow man, transcending belief systems and moving into acceptance and unconditional love for one another. We were all humans before we were disconnected by race, separated by religious dogma, divided by political beliefs, and classified by wealth and income. It is time to transcend these man-made barriers that only serve to separate us from one another and acknowledge the true Source and our connection to It and one another.

Practice to Energize the High Heart

Awakening this energy center is as simple as bringing this chakra into your chakra meditations. You can begin by imagining the swirling green at the heart and watch as the color branches out and connect with the spinning blue of the throat. In this space between heart and throat, continue to imagine a swirling turquoise. Light tapping on the sternum while holding the above visual may have profound effects as well. There is also the option of working with an intuitive healer/energy worker and allowing them to facilitate this initiation into higher spiritual levels.

We may not awaken overnight although very strong energetic shifts are currently happening all around us. It is an unfolding, an opening of the lotus flower that is supported by kindness and compassion to ourselves and one another. Energizing the high heart chakra (and the thymus gland) can energize your entire system as well as stimulate your immune system and you may find yourself getting sick less often  or recovering much faster from illness if it occurs. It may also bring you more in line with your spiritual gifts and awaken your inner healer. The benefits of awakening this area are many and the time is now. Know that you are only limited by your beliefs and that you have a purpose on this Earth.

Awake. Arise. Elevate.


Heal Your Life
Thymus Gland
Welcome to Planet Earth

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